Is it time to repair your washing machine? Don’t let a problematic appliance send you in search of replacement machines just yet — you may be able to repair it for less money if one of these four main problems plagues your machine. Read this helpful guide before you begin trying to make repairs on your own, or call a professional if you notice one of the following symptoms that it’s time to repair your washing machine.

The Appliance Is Extremely Noisy

The most common reason a washing machine makes a loud banging noise during operation is improper leveling. Unplug the machine and check the feet to ensure they all are touching the floor. You may have to tilt the washing machine on its side to screw them firmly into place. Using a level, check that the front, back and the sides of the appliance are even. If the machine remains loud after adjusting the legs, hire a professional to install a locking nut for each leg to add additional stability. Repair professionals can also determine if another issue is at play which may be contributing to the noise.

The Drum Will Not Fill and Drain Properly

Whether your machine is not filling to an adequate water level or failing to drain fully, both issues can leave clothes soiled — not what you expect at the close of a washing cycle. First, check the supply and drain hoses for kinks and blockages. Make sure the water supply valve is fully open. Older hoses may require replacement, or the interior pump may be failing due to a worn belt or motor. If these fixes do not solve the issue, let a professional diagnose and handle the project.

The Machine Is Leaking Water

Washing machine leaks can range from a small trickle to a full-fledged flood. In either scenario, it is vital to quickly ascertain the source of the leak to protect your other nearby appliances, floors and other possessions from water damage. If the leak happens during the initial portion of the cycle, the problem most likely is in the hose leading from the water supply intake to the drum. If leaks occur later in the cycle, the drain hose is probably the culprit. To access and repair both hoses, you may need to disassemble the back or side panels of the appliance. Depending on the extent of the leak, it is wise to call a professional who can execute this repair quickly.

The Machine Will Not Turn On

Washing machines may cease to function due to a tripped breaker or faulty wiring. Also, the lid lock could be broken. If you reset the fuse and the appliance still does not turn on, the controls may need to be inspected by an individual trained in the electrical wiring systems of major household appliances.

Peter’s Appliance focuses on providing friendly, fast and affordable repairs to their customers, so contact our professional team when you must restore your washing machine to proper working order.